Tuesday, January 17, 2012


My pastor in Arkansas use to tell the single folks at the church “embrace your singleness”.  That is so true.  Once you decide to take the step into marriage you can never go back to being just single.  You will be divorced, separated, or widowed, but never single.  I know that you sometimes get lonely and feel that you want that special person in your life, but think about it this way… Once she/he is there your life will be forever changed.  You know those times when you’re home and alone just enjoying the quiet time.  Or the times when you just jump up and head out to the store or what about the times when your homeboy/girl calls you up to go to happy hour.  Once you have a mate, those times will be over!  Yes, you will have your occasional quiet time or happy hour outings, but every decision you make will be about you and your mate.  You all will have to (or should) discuss everything together.  Today it is only about you, so may I suggest that you take yourself out on a date.  May I suggest that you cook your favorite meal or watch your favorite marathon on TV or take that trip that you’ve been putting off?  Show yourself some love.  Have no regrets when you enter into your marriage.   EMBRACE YOUR SINGLENESS.  Spend this time getting to know yourself and God, so that when your mate arrives you will be so in love with yourself and the things that you have experienced that you will want to share that same love with someone else WITH NO REGRETS… 

Monday, January 9, 2012


I put you down and then I pick you back up.
I tell myself just one last time. Tomorrow will be different.
Then again I find myself right back there in the same place with you.
My heart tells me to stop, but my head tells me to go.
I ignore the warning signs and let you right back in.
You mock me with your false sense of comfort.
When will I learn my lesson?
The only way to find me again is to let you go.
So, I vow to erase you from my life at the end of each day.
When the morning comes there you are staring me in the face.
There you are inviting me back to you.
I fight with my feet, but somehow they lead me to you.
I fight with my hands, but somehow they find you.
I fight with my heart, but somehow it opens for you.
I fight. I fight. I fight.
Then I realize the problem is not you, but it’s me.
I’m addicted to you.