Monday, November 19, 2012

REPOST: Discerning of Spirits

To another the ability to discern and distinguish between [the utterances of true] spirits [and false ones].  (1 Corinthians 12:10) 

I believe the discerning of spirits is an extremely valuable gift, and I encourage you to desire and develop it.  Some people say that the discerning of spirits gives people supernatural insight into the spiritual realm when God allows it.  Many also believe that discerning of spirits is a gift given so we can know the true nature of a person or a situation.  Our world is full of deception and many people are not who they appear to be.  The gift of discerning of spirits helps us see behind the mask people often wear so we can know what is really going on.  The gift also helps us sense when something is a good thing or a person has a good heart.

Dave and I have seen this gift work many times when hiring people to work in our ministry.  Many times, people have seemed qualified, capable, dedicated, and "perfect" for the jobs for which they applied. I remember one specific occasion when we met with someone and everyone involved thought we should hire him, but I had a nagging feeling in my heart that we should not.  We hired him anyway and he did nothing but cause trouble.  I allowed my reasoning - thinking he would work out because his resume was exactly what we wanted - to overtake my discernment, and I wish I had not.

The Spirit of God lives in our hearts and speaks to our hearts, not our heads.  His gifts are not intellectual or operative in our minds; they are spiritual and they operate in our spirits.  We must follow what we sense in our spirits, not what we think in our minds should be right.  This is why God gives us discernment.

GOD'S WORDS FOR YOU TODAY: Learn to discern and don't make decisions based only on what you see and think.

From the book Hearing from God Each Morning by Joyce Meyer. Copyright © 2010 by Joyce Meyer. Published by FaithWords. All rights reserved.

Monday, November 12, 2012

         For Shelia…

As you enter into this new season of your life,
Embrace the greatness of becoming a wife.
This role isn’t for everyone, as you very well know.
God selected His special daughters a long time ago.

There are many lessons that you will learn along the way.
Just look to God, He will be with you every day.
No matter what situations or circumstances you may face.
God has given you the endurance to finish the race.

Who can find a virtuous and capable wife?
Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life.
The noble wife is who we all aim to be.
I see her in you, I see her in me.

You will soon be called wife, but the list doesn’t stop there.
Sister, friend, and counselor, you have many hats to wear.
God will give you the space and the time,
To wear them all well within His design.

May your smile continue to light up every room that you enter.
And may your deep soulful laugh help us all to remember;
What a blessing it is to be a part of your life;
How awesome your husband will feel to call you his wife.

So look to the hills, which is where your help comes from.
Fast and pray, that’s the rule of thumb.
Remember to love through the good and the bad.
In times when you’re happy and times when you’re sad.

The true test of faith comes through times of despair,
However, love never fails so you need not have a care.
May God be with you and your husband-to-be.
May you have many, many, years of marital glee!

Christy Hamlin
November 5, 2012