Sunday, April 13, 2014

"Jesus take the wheel"

I lift up my eyes to the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.  He will not let your foot slip -- he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.  The Lord watches over you -- the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.  The Lord will keep you from all harm -- he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.  Psalm 121:1-8 NIV

Last night I had a dream that I was driving a school bus. It wasn't an ordinary school bus.  The bus seemed longer and it had been painted white.  A few classmates and I boarded the bus in front of my old high school.  My classmates took seats along the back of the bus while I took the driver's seat. Now I don't know what possessed me to jump into the driver's seat, however, before I knew it I was putting the rig in reverse and holding on for dear life.

The bus jerked and before I knew it we were moving backwards. I tried pumping the brakes but the bus was too powerful. I couldn't get it under control.   A few seconds later I heard a crash from behind us and out of the window I saw debris flying everywhere. On the ground there was a row of baby strollers. They were empty, thank God, but they had been lined up neatly one after the other. No one appeared to be hurt.

The dream continues on for a bit transitioning from one location around the high school campus to another, but the bus accident wasn't far from my thoughts.  Moments later when I woke up, God revealed to me one interpretation of the dream.

In life we will face opportunities that may seem manageable at first, but before we know it things can shift very quickly in the wrong direction. If we aren't careful, we could end up harming not only ourselves but others around us. Our only sure why of getting through these obstacles is to allow God to take control.

Let me go a little deeper into the dream...

The bus represents a situation that we may be currently facing. The white paint of the bus represents something new;  an obstacle unlike anything we've every dealt with before.  My classmates and I that boarded the bus were no longer the knuckleheads from junior high and high school, but grown adults.  This shows that even though we have grown in years we haven't grown completely in God. In some parts of our lives we still handle situations as if we were carefree teenagers.  The strollers represent generations to come. If we are careless in how we handle challenges that we are faced with today, we will not only harm ourselves but future generations as well.

God is telling us to allow Him to take the wheel. He wants us to be obedient passengers as He leads us into our next season. We were not created to go at it alone. God has promised to never leave us. He has said in His word that He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. When we get bogged down in life it is useless for us to attempt to fix anything without God's help. He created a unique plan for our lives and only He knows how it will end. We are exactly where we are suppose to be during this season of our lives. It may feel uncomfortable. It may feel like we're wasting time. We may have an idea or strategy of how to get to our next level faster, but God... God has the ability to reset our clock. After we've been running a race or dealing with an issue for awhile, we may think that we've had enough or that we are nearing the end but God can place us right back at the starting line.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

Allow God to take the wheel in your life and everything will fall into place.

Be Blessed,

Monday, April 7, 2014

Promotion: For the Single Ladies

Let me share a story with you about a lady that I had the pleasure of meeting some years ago.  I'll call her Peg.

Peg was a self-starter, a real mover and shaker on the job. She worked for her current employer for over three years and whispers of a promotion ran rapid throughout the hallways. Peg met with her boss, her boss' boss, and even the human resource manager to identify the skills she needed to possess in order to move to the next level in her career. Peg put all of their suggestions to use day in and day out, so it didn't come as a surprise that during her yearly evaluation she was promoted to a more senior role on her team.

Peg saw her goal, made a plan, and then put her plan into action. Because of her diligence she was rewarded in the end.

Okay now let us look at Peg's story using a different goal. What if Peg wanted to get married and start a family? What then?

Here is what I believe.

I believe that God gives us the things that we want/need when we are able to handle them. If being a wife is what you aim for, take a look at your current position as a single woman.

  • Are you taking care of yourself, your finances, and the home that HE has given you? 
  • Are you enjoying life for the things that you have, instead of the things that you don't have? 
  • Are you creating an environment that a man would want to enter into or that is conducive to raising a child?

Just like on the job, what are you doing to work on YOU so that you can reach your next level?

Some may say:

"Well, I prayed for God to send me a man but nothing is happening."
"I feel like God is punishing me."
"I don't know what I'm doing wrong."
"I can't find any good men out there."

God is the creator of all things. He created each of us uniquely for His glory. If you are single, you better believe that you are exactly where you are suppose to be at the moment.  Perhaps you have more work to do before you can receive your promotion. Don't be so eager to move up. Although promotion is sure to offer more benefits, more responsibility will also be required.

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Luke 12:48 NIV

Are you eager to receive the promotion from single woman to married woman? 

Pray and ask God if being a wife and mother is part of the path that He has created for your life. Then ask Him to show you the things that you need to work on to prepare for your next level.

We should work just as hard to receive the promotions in our personal lives as we do on the job.  Pray for what you want. Listen to what God has to say. Wait until something happens...

Be Blessed,

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My, my, my how time flies...

I looked up a little while ago and it was September of 2013, now today I am staring down the barrel of April 2014.  Whoever said “time waits for no man” hit the nail on the head. 

I feel overwhelmed when my thoughts go to all of the many things that I would like to do in my lifetime and the clock seems to keep on ticking.

Ever wish that you could rewind, fast forward, or replay certain events in your life? Yeah, me too. Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. We get one opportunity most times to say and do those things that we've been dreaming about.

Often times I allow fear to hold me back or past failures to keep me stationary. God wants us to put all of our faith and trust in Him.  Once we rest within the safety of His arms there will be no limits to what we can accomplish. 

A friend of mine has challenged me to create a few goals for the month of April and at the end of the month we will debrief to see how many of those goals were completed. 

I’ll be a little transparent here and share with you a few of my goals.
1.)    Make an effort to go to bed no later than10:30PM each night.
2.)    Attend Bible Study on Wednesday’s
3.)    Zumba classes on Tuesday’s

So, far I’ve been able to rest my head on the pillow by 10:30, however, the actually falling asleep needs improvement. I danced the night away last night in Zumba class and I plan to attend Bible Study this evening.

These were just simple goals that didn't require me go out of my way to achieve them.  Now, consistency is the next goal. After April 30th what must I do to make these monthly goals apart of my lifestyle? What will that look like?

Stay tuned…

Until next time remember don’t put off tomorrow what you can do today!

Be blessed,