Tuesday, December 18, 2012

30 in 3

I have set a goal to read 30 books over the next 3 months.  The number 30 has no true significance except that it was the first number that popped into my head.  The same goes for the number 3.  As for my overall purpose: arrogance/conceit would be the first thought for some, but actually as I write, I have three book shelves filled to the max with books that I've purchased over the years.  Most of these books have yet to see the light of day, so I decided instead of adding to my family of books (by purchasing more), why not get to know the family a little better.  Publish This Book was the first family member to “entertain” (see book review below).  I selected this book out of the others based on a conversation that I had with myself last weekend.  “Christy, if you’re really serious about this writing thing, you’re gonna have to DO SOMETHING. Change only comes to those who act accordingly”, said the little voice in my head.  As I walked over to my bookshelf, the title of the book glared back at me… and so it begins.

Review of: Publish This Book

I remember grabbing Publish This Book during the going out of business sale at Borders along with several other books on writing, publishing, and editing. I had no idea what to expect, but for three to four days, when I should have been sleeping, eating, working out, doing actual work at work, or writing my own darn manuscript, I found myself captivated by the wonderful writings of one Stephen Markley. 

I have read several memoirs over the years; however, never have I felt as if I am walking through the coming of age story right along with the protagonist.  Publish This Book is honest, brilliant, ridiculously funny, educational (I learned a lot about the human anatomy), and seductively amusing (not sure what point I was trying to make here but it sounds delightful).

As an aspiring writer, I found myself going back to chapters like “How to get rejected?” for pointers on writing a good chapter outline.  Also, thanks to Markley, I am having a particularly difficult time writing without using footnotes that provide back stories instead of actual references.  Honestly, I often skip the footnotes in most books, but again, thanks to Markley, I found myself searching for them page after page and was often disappointed when I had to go a page or two without them.

Everyone won’t get the humor of this book. Those people likely take themselves too seriously. However, if you’re a little on the fun and adventurous side, then you will be laughing out loud (I thought about using the acronym but...) throughout the 469 pages. If the number of pages scares you, don’t fret it goes down smooth.  Before you know it you’ll be nearing the end and longing for more of Markley’s autobiographical digressions.  

I have to admit that after reading the chapter on “Sarah” I put the book down for two days or so before reading the remaining chapters.  Kudos to Markley for being transparent and capturing such a heartwarming story about true friendship.

One last note; look out for sparkling pearls of wisdom (which is surprisingly impressive since Markley was only 24/25 yrs of age at the time) about love, politics, religion and of course writing and publishing a book. Cheers and Enjoy!!!

Oh yeah!  I should also add that I was so motivated by this book that I wrote 500 words the first evening (probably not that impressive, but it's 500 more than I wrote the previous day) as well as completed a 24 Chapter Outline!! Sometimes we just need a little push.  Don't be shocked if that push or motivation comes in a very unlikely package. :) 

Next up – Why We Can’t Wait by MLK… Every morning after I began reading Publish This Book the little voice in my head echoed “Why We Can’t Wait”, so naturally I chose this as my next read for 30 in 3.  Perhaps at the end of the three months I’ll have a divine message that I was able to transcribe from all the books that I’ve neglected over the years.  Stay tuned!  

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