Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year

I didn't make any resolutions this year.  I did, however, decide that I needed to begin living my life as if all of the things that I have asked God for or that God has promised me are already here.

I realized that although I am not married and I do not have children it is no longer acceptable for me to live like I am single.  I actually have to cook real meals, get enough sleep (whatever that is), be more active, keep  an organized house and stuff like that. It's been going okay for the most part, but in the midst of "living" I can't help but to feel the loneliness that singleness brings.  I have found myself often being angry with God for being silent or for making me wait so long.  That reminds me of the ketchup commercial from the 80's.  The guy that decided to wait for the ketchup to drip from the bottle got the girl in the end.  So, here I stand posted, waiting for the imaginary ketchup to drip from bottle and receive the prize that waits for me in the end.

Somehow I thought that I was the only one experiencing these thoughts and these emotions, but after talking to a few girlfriends I realized that I wasn't alone. All of us were single (unmarried but dating), successful in our careers, have a relationship with God, but yet feel as if life has yet to begin.

Does the start of life or living begin when you say those two magic words surrounded by your family, friends, and a bunch of free loading extras? Does your life begin when you finally hit the six figure dollar amount at your corporate job? Does life begin when you bring another life into the world?

What's the real answer to this question? Why does it always seem that we're waiting for something in life instead of just living each day?

I'll continue to ponder on these thoughts... In the meantime, I wish you a Happy New Year.  I hope that your 2013 will be filled with new steps and new discoveries.


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