Sunday, August 12, 2012


A woman carries a baby for nine months. During those nine months, she can feel the baby growing inside of her.  She can feel the baby kicking. She can see pictures of her baby through an ultrasound. Her body changes and stretches in preparation for her baby to come into the world. When the time comes for her to deliver, she has a team of people around her, coaching her, and encouraging her to push. However, it is up to her to find the strength from within to push. God gives her that strength. She is motivated by the blessing that she is about to bring into the world. 

There are many of us who are spiritually pregnant.  We have seeds – gifts or dreams – that God has placed inside of us, but our fears keep us from birthing that dream into the world. God gives us visions of our dream. God places people around us to encourage us to see that dream realized. If a baby is born too early there are complications. If a baby is born too late there are complications. It is God’s timing that determines when that new life will come into the world.  If we sit on our gifts, refusing to share them with the world there will be constant barriers for us to cross. If we release those dreams prematurely, there will be hurdles for us to jump over. Instead we must listen and wait for God’s perfect timing. We mustn’t let the fear of failure creep in and rob us of our dream.  We must ask God for strength. It is God’s strength that will push us to our divine assignment.  The longer we avoid pushing the more people we hold up from seeing God’s glory through our dreams.

Dream with your eyes open. Dream as if failure isn’t an option.   Dream as if tomorrow may never come and trust God to be there with you every step of the way.

Be Blessed,


  1. Great post, Christy!!! I totally agree with you. We do tend to keep our spiritual gifts inside because of fear. Instead, we should have faith that God will help us reach our potential if just PUSH.

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