Saturday, February 28, 2015


It is the last day of February.  Just a little while ago we were toasting in a new year and promising ourselves that this year would be the best year of our lives. How’s it going so far? Still on track? Need a little motivation? Today’s post is all about transformation.  

Webster’s Dictionary defines transformation as: a complete or major change in someone's or somethings appearance, form, etc.  Transformation, in my opinion, also deals with the inside.  There's a popular hashtag on social media these days called #TransformationTuesday where a picture on one side may contain a younger photo of an individual and the picture on the other side will contain an older more wiser photo.  This hashtag can also be seen when comparing weight loss results or hair growth in the natural hair world. No matter where the transformation occurs, the good news is that it CAN happen.  Where you are today is not where you have to remain. 

I believe that all of us have a desire to be the best version of ourselves as we can be.  In order to accomplish this goal, we must work on every part of ourselves. The physical, emotional, and spiritual parts of ourselves need attention. 

So where do you begin?   We live in a time where information is literally seconds away. We can type just about anything in the Google search menu and feel that we are experts on the subject moments later.  There are several tools and tips provided by knowledgeable men and women who have done extensive amounts of research all to ensure that you avoid certain missteps in your life that they have encountered.  


Just about every dieting book, blog post, video, or plan will tell you to first speak with your doctor before beginning any new programs.  This is very important.  You may think that the extra pounds were brought on due to your stressful job, change in activity, or simply eating too much, but there are several factors that can and will cause weight gain.  Speak with your doctor about all of the changes that have occurred in your life over the past 9-12 months. These changes may have a direct impact on how you are feeling physically.  Your doctor may recommend that you meet with a nutritionist or simply remove certain foods from your diet (i.e. fast foods, sweets, etc.)  Getting yourself in tip top physical state will help with your emotional and spiritual needs. 


Have you ever eaten an entire box of cookies and then all of a sudden you think of that one relationship that just didn't work, how horrible he/she treated you, how you shouldn't have wasted your time with him/her, and then you find yourself crying on your couch for the memories to just please hurry up and go away?  Or maybe that is just me.  Just think, all of these thoughts could have been avoided by not eating the cookies.  Your diet impacts your emotions, but also the things and people that you have around you.  Is your house cluttered?  Do you have a laundry list of things to get done but not enough time to do them? When you enter your home do you want to run in the opposite direction kicking and screaming?  If so, then perhaps it is time to transform your personal space.  Your home should be your sanctuary.  Everything should have its place and the things that do not have a place do not belong.  All of these things can make you emotional and in turn drive you to make not so good choices when it comes to what you drink and eat. Is your kitchen clean and tidy?  Does your bedroom closet keep you up at night?  Good Housekeeping and several other magazines offer tips on removing clutter from your home. The Container Store is the perfect place to find space saving storage units for every room of the house. (I have more products from this store then I would like to admit.) Tackle one room at a time.  If you begin today you will be one day closer to reaching your goal.  Ask yourself as you prepare to purge items from your personal space, "Could I live without it?"  If the answer is yes, then let it go. Give it away to Good Will, Salvation Army, Arms of Hope or any organization in your community that takes lightly used items.  What you are holding on to may be the blessing that someone has been waiting for. 

Watch out for things that you read, watch, and listen to. Social media and reality television has a way of making a regular everyday person feel as if their life has little to no meaning. If an individual cannot afford brand named clothing and accessories, cars, or jewelry then that individual feels insignificant.  This in turn drives the regular everyday person to spend lump sums of money that they do not have in order to prove their significance. This behavior leads to increased debt, drug and alcohol abuse, and it also ruins relationships.  Turn off the TV.  Close the gossip magazine.  Delete the application from your phone.  You are beautifully and wonderfully made for God's glory.Nowhere in the bible does it say that in order to enter into heaven one must have a certain amount of social status, money, or other things that are materialistic.  Our emotions are impacted when we try to live up to unrealistic expectations of others.  Reality television sucks and it is anything but reality.  


I have to admit that I struggle in my spiritual walk. I find myself from time to time saying, "Did I remember to say my grace before dinner?"  or "What exactly did the preacher preach about on Sunday?"  I know that I am not alone.  Your spiritual walk goes much further than praying before meals and showing up at church.  It is about having a relationship with God and knowing that the relationship with Him should come before any and everything else in your life.  If you don't feel connected to God, then you may need to do a spiritual transformation. 

I use to struggle with how to get back to that "sweet spot" with God.  You know the time when scriptures seemed to wake you in the morning, hymns danced around in your head all day long, and God was the last thought on your mind as you closed your eyes at night. 

To transform spiritually does not mean that you have to go away to a wellness facility to completely block out the world.  You can simply decide that from the time your feet hit the floor in the morning to give God all of the Glory.  Thank Him in advance for the people and situations that you will encounter because all of it is a part of His divine order for your life.  Get into the habit of thinking about what you have instead of what you do not have.  Thank God for delivering you from addictions, financial setbacks, heartbreaks, and anything that made you feel as if your life was in trouble. 

Be transformed today; physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  

Be blessed! 

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