Saturday, January 12, 2013

Locked in, but almost Hooked up! Cont...

Who was it?

I don’t know, some guy I’d never seen before, but was definitely attracted to. He was probably about 6’3 or 6’4. I could tell because while I was inside of the freezer I had managed to get on my tip toes to reach the Lean Cuisine Thai spring rolls putting my height at about 5’9.  What did I do when I saw him, you ask? Nothing.  I opened the freezer door again and pretended to read the label of the frozen meals until I figured out my next move. 

Through the glass I could see his long sleeve black under armor shirt and grey sweatpants (Thank you Jesus for pants like that!) pass behind me.  When I turned around he was nowhere to be found.  At this point, I had two choices: (1) I could grab the spring rolls and head for the self-checkout or (2) I could grab the spring rolls and walk to the back cooler for a gallon of soy milk which would allow me the opportunity to see Mr. Black shirt and Grey pants again.  Of course I chose #2 because out of the six months that I have been shopping at this local Wal-Mart I had never seen N-E-Body remotely attractive and so now after having recently escaped from what could have been a life or death situation, God had blessed with me some eye candy that was so sweet that I got a cavity the moment I saw his face. 

For the record, most single females would have gone with the #2 option. This type of thing happens all of the time.  When we see a guy that is cute and if time permits we conveniently place ourselves in his path to “get a closer look” or to give him an opportunity to make his move. 

Right after the breakfast cereal and just before the paper goods I spotted Mr. Black shirt and grey pants. Again, we locked eyes and even though I was looking for him I was startled when I finally saw his face.  I headed straight for the milk cooler and took longer than normal to locate the Great Value light original soy milk and just as I opened the cooler to retrieve my dose of dairy, I saw his reflection through the cooler door.  “YES!” I thought. “And I didn’t even have to go looking for him again.” I grabbed the milk and began walking in the direction of Mr. Black shirt.  BINGO!  I spotted him on the wine aisle. I decided it was now time for me to head out. I was too shy to say anything to him. If he and I were to bump into each other again it would have to be fate and not based on me and my antics. 

I started walking towards the front of the store and then there he was again in my peripheral.  I couldn't have him walking behind me.  I wanted to be the stalker not the stalked.  I dipped into the soup aisle and studied the Campbell’s chicken noodle soup can until I saw the black and grey disappear down the main aisle.  Okay now I was trying to avoid him.  I didn’t want to come across as a stalker (blank stare), so when I saw that he had made his way to the express line and I stepped slowly towards the self-checkout.  Just as I walked up he turned his cart from the express line and headed for the same self-checkout line as me.  Again, we shared a friendly glance and I even gave off a smile this time.  Seeing that there was only one free lane open he said to me with a smile, “You can go ahead.”  I managed to get out a very shy, “Thanks.” I moved quickly towards my lane.  We didn’t lock eyes again. We both worked quietly scanning our items and paying for our groceries.  Grabbing my receipt I walked away slowly giving myself an opportunity to see which door he would exit out of.  I walked briskly through the rain to my car smiling the entire way.  As I pulled out of the parking lot, I saw Mr. Grey and Black again loading a large SUV.  If I wasn’t so shy I probably would have spoken to him. 

So, the moral of this very colorful story, sometimes God holds you up. Sometimes He places you in a situation beyond your control so that you can take a moment to enjoy the simple act of doing nothing. He also gives you this time to reflect and focus on the things that matter most.  Usually after one of these tests there is something sweet waiting for you on the other end. 

My evening would have ended quite differently had I not been locked inside the house. I would have eaten too many carbs, I would have missed Mr. Black and Grey, and most of all I would have missed out on sharing my story with you good people.   

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