Tuesday, October 16, 2012

31 Letters - Letter #16

To: The GSU Fans 

Twas the night before Homecoming, when all through the house
Not a creature was sleeping, not even a mouse.
The black & gold shakers lay on the shelf with care.
In hopes that a GSU victory would soon be near.

The children were singing and chanting in their beds,  
While visions of marching bands danced through their heads.
Mama and I were in the kitchen, cooking gumbo and rice.
The annual Homecoming brunch would surely be nice.

When out in the yard there arose such a clatter,
We looked at each other wondering what could be the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the curtains and threw up the sash.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But a crowd of people screaming “Homecoming is near.”
It must have been hundreds or thousands of them;
all swaying and moving at the same rhythm.

The crowd was led by a familiar looking fellow.
He stood out front with his robe of black and yellow.
I edged closer to the man; big, bad, and bold.
That’s when I noticed his robe wasn't yellow, it was black and gold.

“You’ve forgotten who you are!” the man yelled to us.
“You are Grambling!” he stated as we looked on with honor and trust.
“Now pep for the boys during Saturday’s game.
It’s not about awards, certificates or fame!”

“You cheer for your team in any kind of weather.
We are Grambling! You must remember that forever and ever.”
And just like that he disappeared out of sight.
We were left with courage and the victory to fight!

The spirit of Grambling flows through the young and the old.
We wear it; we bleed it, the black and the gold.
There’s no room for haters.  There’s no room for fear.
Oh Grambling, Dear Grambling we do love thee dear.

Our school is like no other, so we can’t be beat!
We’re Grambling, where everybody is somebody…with a fee sheet! 
So continue to love, to cherish to fight! 
Happy Homecoming to all and to all a good night! 

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