Tuesday, October 2, 2012

31 Letters - Letter #2

To:  Mama 

From: Me

I love you mama.  I know that I don’t say it often enough.  You have become my best friend over the years.  All of the times when I wanted to give up and even sometimes when I wanted to quit jobs and move back home.  You never turned me down; however, you reminded me that life sometimes throws us curve balls.  It’s up to us to figure out how to make the play. 

I know that I can talk to you about anything. Although I often keep secrets because I feel like you have enough worries as is…Somehow you always know what’s going on anyway.

We talk every night and if we don’t talk I can expect a phone call from you the next morning saying, “You didn't call me last night” and you can expect the same from me.  During our nightly calls if we happened to get into a “heated debate” about something and end up getting off the phone abruptly, I always call you back.  You only get one mother.  You’re all I've got, so no matter how many times we disagree I’ll still be calling you before bedtime or first thing the next morning.

Your mother gave you a gift and you passed that gift on to me.  Although I never met her, I can feel her around me.  I can see her in you and you in me. 

Thank you for being a god-fearing woman and teaching me through your actions how to love unconditionally.  You give so much of yourself. I am honored to call you a friend and blessed to call you my mother.  You and I have a divine connection; so divine that even across the miles I can feel your hurt and you can see my tears. 
I once told you that I was afraid that you would leave me before I really started my life.  Your answer: “I’m here now.” So, everyday that God allows you to be a part of my life is the happiest day of my life!

I know that you are ready for me to start a family. Well, specifically so that you can “give me the wedding of my dreams” and for me to give you your first granddaughter.  Be patient. God’s got it.   

I was talking to my single girlfriends the other day about enjoying our singleness and not being overly anxious to “take the leap”.   This is what I told them based on my conversation with God.

“You wouldn't want to eat a half done cake, so why would you want a half done man?” 

So mama, we’re going to have to allow that man to be complete in God first.  He’s not ready yet.  He’s not going to be ready until God says so.  In the meantime, I ask that you continue to pour into me pearls of wisdom.  I ask that you help to prepare me for my next chapter, “Because of your faith, it will happen.”  Keep praying for me and my brothers.  Keep allowing God to speak through you and move in your life. 

I love you!


P.S.  Thanks for teaching me how to make hot water corn bread.  XOXO

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